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resolves moderate to complex Customer inquiries and completes moderate to complex Customer service requests with specific attention to detail, accuracy and timely handling in accordance with the business units operating practices, administrative procedures, and applicable regulatory and insurance laws. Handles moderate to complex work assignments, working independently with minimal guidance, and determines accurate application of existing processes and procedures. Utilizes experience and expertise in specific processing areas in order to handle assigned work tasks within established turnaround times, ensures Customer data is handled securely while meeting or exceeding the Customers needs in a timely and effective manner. This position may require the effective use of bilingual skills (verbal and/or written) at least 50 percent of the time. Accurately & concisely documents Customer inquiries, including escalated Customer inquiries, and actions taken within the appropriate system. Acts as a resource for less experienced Colleagues by providing guidance to team members, fellow company Colleagues, which may include Account Managers, consultants and Brokers, in specific areas of expertise; willingly steps in to provide leadership and accurate information while exhibiting a positive attitude centered around mutual Colleague and Customer respect. Attends training and serves a team member on LEAN teams and special project teams when requested.\u00a0 Skills: Excellent Customer Service Skills Advanced keyboard skills Strong math skills Strong analytical skills Advanced communication skills Strong business writing skills Advanced interpersonal skills Advanced coordination and collaboration skills Exceptional professional attire and demeanor Strong knowledge of IRS Code S125 rules and regulations Qualified retirement account knowledge Strong Windows-based software knowledge Advanced ability to work in a high volume, quick paced production environment Known and demonstrated ability to be prompt and accurate with work product Strong ability to change and demonstrated openness to change Leadership ability to include demonstrated ability to multi-task and achieve stated goals", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.americanfidelity.com/careers/job/790301061637", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 790300883203, "name": "Business Analyst Manager", "location": "Oklahoma City, OK, USA", "locations": ["Oklahoma City, OK, USA"], "hot": 1, "department": "Business Improvement Grp", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737792671, "t_create": 1737044759, "ats_job_id": 790300883203, "display_job_id": 790300883203, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "790300883203-en", "job_description": "Manage and coordinate the assignment of business analysis resources across the organization's technical priorities in collaboration with the internal business sponsors and technical development teams to ensure adequate, appropriately experienced business analysis coverage. 10 plus years of business analysis related experience 5 plus years of management experience in the business analysis discipline Expert relationship management skills Strong understanding of both technology and business Strong working knowledge and expert capability for the execution of business analysis techniques, knowledge areas and competencies. Strong understanding of system development life cycles, technology and business Expert requirements elicitation, strategic and requirements analysis, communication, verification and validation and proven ability on the use of business analyst tools such as modeling, forecasting, mapping etc. Strong understanding of the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge form the IIBA Excellent leadership skills including visioning, conflict management and resolution, decision making, motivational and directness with care and humility. Strong technical knowledge, business acumen and relationship management skills. Proficient in Microsoft Office projects, SharePoint and an understanding of various technologies and strong business acumen Excellent oral and written skills, presentation skills, interpersonal and consultative skills Proficient in change guidance Expertly think creatively, systematically and visually in order to effectively analyze issues and describe solutions. Insurance background (not P&C) knowledge a plus Expert mentoring of others in the execution of Business Analysis Best Practices including official training sessions Strong skills in strategic and creative thinking with an ability to define a change strategy for associated solutions Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP), strongly preferred. Lean / Six Sigma experience a plus. Insurance industry coursework or designations, strongly preferred.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.americanfidelity.com/careers/job/790300883203", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 790301264350, "name": "Sales Account Manager ", "location": "Salem, MA, USA", "locations": ["Salem, MA, USA", "Cumberland, MD"], "hot": 0, "department": null, "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1739559547, "t_create": 1739559478, "ats_job_id": 790301264350, "display_job_id": 790301264350, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "790301264350-en", "job_description": "American Fidelity Assurance is now looking for an Account Manager in your area. Our salaried, career Account Managers are responsible for selling worksite insurance products and services in a defined sales territory with an existing customer base. You will build strong, long-term relationships with businesses and develop specific, needs-based recommendations for their employees, highlighting the benefits of American Fidelity's insurance portfolio. We Offer Company car with gas card Paid travel expenses (company credit card) base salary + uncapped commission + additional bonus potential International Sales Award Trips First year income potential between $82,000 to $125,000 Consistent six figure income opportunity within 3-5 years 401k with company match Defined Territory Multiple Sales Career path options Consistent, standardized training designed for new Account Managers Comprehensive benefit package including multiple medical, dental, vision and supplemental insurance plans. Primary Responsibilities Focus on growing and maintaining existing Business to Business accounts by one-on-one sales of worksite insurance products and services to the community. Consult with current customers to provide value and meet financial needs. Build strong relationships with customers and association executives. Develop customized needs-based employee benefit packages through annual benefit enrollments and group presentations. New account development opportunities Company Perks: National Presence - American Fidelity conducts business within 49 states, employing salaried, career Account Representatives located across the country. Extended Training Program - Account Representatives participate in a structured, comprehensive training program including on-the-job training within your territory, Product and Sales Schools and online training. Tenure - More than Double the Nation Average with 30% of our salaried career Account Representatives have been with American Fidelity for 10 years or more. Defined Territory - Each Account Representative is assigned a territory to manage and develop new accounts. Company Overview: Founded in 1960, American Fidelity Assurance Company has grown to become one of the largest, private, family-owned life insurance companies in the United States. Focused on our core business, including disability income insurance, life insurance, and supplemental health insurance, American Fidelity has seen rapid and continuous growth. For more information on our company, visit www.americanfidelity.com. \ufeff At American Fidelity, we believe that creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, where all Colleagues can be their best to provide the best service to our customers, is vital to our success. This means cultivating a workforce with wide perspectives and creating opportunities for engagement, learning and listening. If you'd like more information about American Fidelity's privacy practices, please visit americanfidelity.com/privacy\u201d.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.americanfidelity.com/careers/job/790301264350", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 790301243995, "name": "Sales Account Manager ", "location": "Petersburg, VA, USA", "locations": ["Petersburg, VA, USA", "Lawrenceville, VA"], "hot": 0, "department": null, "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1739395544, "t_create": 1739395472, "ats_job_id": 790301243995, "display_job_id": 790301243995, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "790301243995-en", "job_description": "American Fidelity Assurance is now looking for an Account Manager in your area. Our salaried, career Account Managers are responsible for selling worksite insurance products and services in a defined sales territory with an existing customer base. You will build strong, long-term relationships with businesses and develop specific, needs-based recommendations for their employees, highlighting the benefits of American Fidelity\u2019s insurance portfolio. We Offer Company car with gas card Paid travel expenses (company credit card) base salary + uncapped commission + additional bonus potential International Sales Award Trips First year income potential between $82,000 to $125,000 Consistent six figure income opportunity within 3-5 years Defined Territory Multiple Sales Career path options Consistent, standardized training designed for new Account Managers Comprehensive benefit package including multiple medical, dental, vision and supplemental insurance plans. Primary Responsibilities Focus on growing and maintaining existing Business to Business accounts by one-on-one sales of worksite insurance products and services to the community. Consult with current customers to provide value and meet financial needs. Build strong relationships with customers and association executives. Develop customized needs-based employee benefit packages through annual benefit enrollments and group presentations. New account development opportunities Company Perks: National Presence \u2013 American Fidelity conducts business within 49 states, employing salaried, career Account Representatives located across the country. Extended Training Program \u2013 Account Representatives participate in a structured, comprehensive training program including on-the-job training within your territory, Product and Sales Schools and online training. Tenure \u2013 More than Double the Nation Average with 30% of our salaried career Account Representatives have been with American Fidelity for 10 years or more. Defined Territory \u2013 Each Account Representative is assigned a territory to manage and develop new accounts. Company Overview: Founded in 1960, American Fidelity Assurance Company has grown to become one of the largest, private, family-owned life insurance companies in the United States. Focused on our core business, including disability income insurance, life insurance, and supplemental health insurance, American Fidelity has seen rapid and continuous growth. For more information on our company, visit www.americanfidelity.com. At American Fidelity, we believe that creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, where all Colleagues can be their best to provide the best service to our customers, is vital to our success. This means cultivating a workforce with wide perspectives and creating opportunities for engagement, learning and listening. 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You will build strong, long-term relationships with businesses and develop specific, needs-based recommendations for their employees, highlighting the benefits of American Fidelity\u2019s insurance portfolio. We Offer Company car with gas card Paid travel expenses (company credit card) base salary + uncapped commission + additional bonus potential International Sales Award Trips First year income potential between $82,000 to $125,000 Consistent six figure income opportunity within 3-5 years Defined Territory Multiple Sales Career path options Consistent, standardized training designed for new Account Managers Comprehensive benefit package including multiple medical, dental, vision and supplemental insurance plans. Primary Responsibilities Focus on growing and maintaining existing Business to Business accounts by one-on-one sales of worksite insurance products and services to the community. Consult with current customers to provide value and meet financial needs. Build strong relationships with customers and association executives. Develop customized needs-based employee benefit packages through annual benefit enrollments and group presentations. New account development opportunities Company Perks: National Presence \u2013 American Fidelity conducts business within 49 states, employing salaried, career Account Representatives located across the country. Extended Training Program \u2013 Account Representatives participate in a structured, comprehensive training program including on-the-job training within your territory, Product and Sales Schools and online training. Tenure \u2013 More than Double the Nation Average with 30% of our salaried career Account Representatives have been with American Fidelity for 10 years or more. Defined Territory \u2013 Each Account Representative is assigned a territory to manage and develop new accounts. Company Overview: Founded in 1960, American Fidelity Assurance Company has grown to become one of the largest, private, family-owned life insurance companies in the United States. Focused on our core business, including disability income insurance, life insurance, and supplemental health insurance, American Fidelity has seen rapid and continuous growth. For more information on our company, visit www.americanfidelity.com. At American Fidelity, we believe that creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, where all Colleagues can be their best to provide the best service to our customers, is vital to our success. This means cultivating a workforce with wide perspectives and creating opportunities for engagement, learning and listening. 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You will build strong, long-term relationships with businesses and develop specific, needs-based recommendations for their employees, highlighting the benefits of American Fidelity\u2019s insurance portfolio. We Offer Company car with gas card Paid travel expenses (company credit card) base salary + uncapped commission + additional bonus potential International Sales Award Trips First year income potential between $82,000 to $125,000 Consistent six figure income opportunity within 3-5 years Defined Territory Multiple Sales Career path options Consistent, standardized training designed for new Account Managers Comprehensive benefit package including multiple medical, dental, vision and supplemental insurance plans. Primary Responsibilities Focus on growing and maintaining existing Business to Business accounts by one-on-one sales of worksite insurance products and services to the community. Consult with current customers to provide value and meet financial needs. Build strong relationships with customers and association executives. Develop customized needs-based employee benefit packages through annual benefit enrollments and group presentations. New account development opportunities Company Perks: National Presence \u2013 American Fidelity conducts business within 49 states, employing salaried, career Account Representatives located across the country. Extended Training Program \u2013 Account Representatives participate in a structured, comprehensive training program including on-the-job training within your territory, Product and Sales Schools and online training. Tenure \u2013 More than Double the Nation Average with 30% of our salaried career Account Representatives have been with American Fidelity for 10 years or more. Defined Territory \u2013 Each Account Representative is assigned a territory to manage and develop new accounts. Company Overview: Founded in 1960, American Fidelity Assurance Company has grown to become one of the largest, private, family-owned life insurance companies in the United States. Focused on our core business, including disability income insurance, life insurance, and supplemental health insurance, American Fidelity has seen rapid and continuous growth. For more information on our company, visit www.americanfidelity.com. At American Fidelity, we believe that creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, where all Colleagues can be their best to provide the best service to our customers, is vital to our success. This means cultivating a workforce with wide perspectives and creating opportunities for engagement, learning and listening. If you\u2019d like more information about American Fidelity\u2019s privacy practices, please visit americanfidelity.com/privacy\u201d.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.americanfidelity.com/careers/job/790301243970", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 790301231056, "name": "Sales Account Manager ", "location": "Ventura County, CA, USA", "locations": ["Ventura County, CA, USA"], "hot": 0, "department": null, "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1739296895, "t_create": 1739296809, "ats_job_id": 790301231056, "display_job_id": 790301231056, "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "790301231056-en", "job_description": "American Fidelity Assurance is now looking for an Account Manager in your area. Our salaried, career Account Managers are responsible for selling worksite insurance products and services in a defined sales territory with an existing customer base. You will build strong, long-term relationships with businesses and develop specific, needs-based recommendations for their employees, highlighting the benefits of American Fidelity\u2019s insurance portfolio. We Offer Company car with gas card Paid travel expenses (company credit card) base salary + uncapped commission + additional bonus potential International Sales Award Trips First year income potential between $82,000 to $125,000 Consistent six figure income opportunity within 3-5 years 401k with company match Defined Territory Multiple Sales Career path options Consistent, standardized training designed for new Account Managers Comprehensive benefit package including multiple medical, dental, vision and supplemental insurance plans. Primary Responsibilities Focus on growing and maintaining existing Business to Business accounts by one-on-one sales of worksite insurance products and services to the community. Consult with current customers to provide value and meet financial needs. Build strong relationships with customers and association executives. Develop customized needs-based employee benefit packages through annual benefit enrollments and group presentations. New account development opportunities Company Perks: National Presence \u2013 American Fidelity conducts business within 49 states, employing salaried, career Account Representatives located across the country. Extended Training Program \u2013 Account Representatives participate in a structured, comprehensive training program including on-the-job training within your territory, Product and Sales Schools and online training. Tenure \u2013 More than Double the Nation Average with 30% of our salaried career Account Representatives have been with American Fidelity for 10 years or more. Defined Territory \u2013 Each Account Representative is assigned a territory to manage and develop new accounts. Company Overview: Founded in 1960, American Fidelity Assurance Company has grown to become one of the largest, private, family-owned life insurance companies in the United States. Focused on our core business, including disability income insurance, life insurance, and supplemental health insurance, American Fidelity has seen rapid and continuous growth. For more information on our company, visit www.americanfidelity.com. At American Fidelity, we believe that creating a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, where all Colleagues can be their best to provide the best service to our customers, is vital to our success. This means cultivating a workforce with wide perspectives and creating opportunities for engagement, learning and listening. 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with advertising and state compliance laws Fully proficient in Microsoft Suite: Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, SharePoint, and Access Fully proficient in Adobe Creative Suite including Adobe InDesign and Acrobat Professional Working knowledge of variable data merge thru InDesign or Microsoft Office", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.americanfidelity.com/careers/job/790301096299", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 37, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 0, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 4.0, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "skills": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, 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